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Feeling Itchy? Don't ignore it

Chronic pruritus, which is defined as itch persisting for more than 6 weeks, is common. It may involve the entire skin (generalized pruritus) or only particular areas, such as the scalp, upper back, arms, or groin (localized pruritus). A recent study has shown that  In a recent chronic itch was shown to be as debilitating as chronic pain. Deranged sleep patterns and mood disturbances, including anxiety and depression, are common and may exacerbate the itching.
The potential causes of chronic pruritus are vast and can be broadly categorized into four major groups; dermatologic causes, systemic causes (such as kidney and liver impairment), neuropathic
causes and psychogenic causes. Itching of any type may elicit secondary skin changes as a result of scratching, rubbing, and picking, so the presence of skin findings does not rule out a systemic causes. 
Regardless of this, investigation into causation is generally rare and regardless of presentation, patients are commonly treated to provide symptomatic relief, meaning topical creams or antihistamines are the norm. This approach ignores the root cause of the itch and therefore may only be blanketing a potentailly serious underlying condition. 
Patients with chronic itch are recommended to have a number of investiagation carried to determine whether a siginifciant underlying condition is responsible. This includes Full Blood Count, Liver Function Tests, Renal Function Tests, Serum Iron and Ferritin levels and Inflammatory markers such as ESR or CRP. Additional investigations may be required depending on clinical presentation, such as HbA1c, thyroid function tests and Bone Profile. 
Here at the Wellness Pharmacy, we offer a comprehensive blood test, a Functional Blood Chemistry Test, designed to test  for a variety of different biomarkers involved in our body's everyday processing This allows us to take a holistic approach to a number of different clinical presentations, whether chronic cases of itching, or  any other symptoms that may be affecting your quality of life. 
A consultation with a Clinical Pharmacist is also available if required by the patient.
Created On  11 Feb 2022 12:33  -  Permalink


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