
The Wellness Pharmacy
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Biotransformation - Detoxification

The Toxic Element Clearance Profile is a toxic exposure test which measures urinary excretion of a diverse range of potentially harmful elements. Both well-known toxics such as lead and mercury, and new technology toxins such as niobium are assessed in this toxic element test.

The Toxic Element Clearance Profile offers an advanced, comprehensive assessment of toxic and potentially toxic elements excreted in the urine. In addition to measuring classic elemental toxins, this profile includes elements used in medical, aerospace, nuclear, and high-tech electronic industries. Use of these potential toxins is increasing because of their growing commercial, industrial, and medical applications.

Evidence suggests that chronic toxic element exposure can adversely affect:

  • Energy levels
  • Reproductive function
  • Cancer risk
  • Neurological development and function
  • Respiratory, cardiac, hepatic, and immune functions
  • Cognitive and emotional health
  • Degenerative conditions


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